Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK, to open a command prompt.
At the command prompt, type 
netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid

 sshw+netwrk Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7

How to Connects to a Wireless Network

netsh wlan connect name=MTNL
Replace MTNL with your own profile name
cnnect Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7

How to disconnect to a Wireless Network

netsh wlan disconnect
discnnect Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7

How to show available Wireless Network profiles your PC

netsh wlan show profile
prfie Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7

How to Saves wlan profiles as XML files to the specified location

netsh wlan export profile name=MTNL
prfie+exprt Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7

How to Block a Wireless Connection

netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid=netgear networktype=infrastructure
bck+netwrk Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7
If you want to block this computer from accessing all wireless network use denyall option in the command. 
netsh wlan add filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

How to show the blocked network

netsh wlan show blockednetworks
shw+bck+netwrk Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7

How to show the installed Wireless drivers

netsh wlan show drivers
shw+drivers Wireless Wi Fi Hacking Commands in Windows 7